Single Mechanic Game Group Exercise



Simplistic visual style.

time based Advancement, Larger time survived = better score

Setting: Underwater.

Character: Fish? Sub? Exploration Vehicle?
Aim of game: Traverse underwater caves/ tunnels / enclosed areas

Distance traveled = better score

Pickups through level? speed? invulnerability? Pearls? (currency?)

Avoid obstacles, fish, falling debris, bubble jets, collapsing level/ cave.

Possible Offensive/ interactive Weapon? Possibly used to move debris/ engage and defeat enemy’s.

As level progresses, the area inside the cave gets smaller increasing difficulty.

Possible area? : Mariana Trench? Bermuda Triangle? Sunken Ship? sunken pirate ship?
Sunken Plane?

Level. Objects/ setting design. (under Water trench, Cave, Ship?)

1. Low light, Heavily Dotted with Stalagmites and Stalactites, Bubble jets. Sulfur Vents, Falling rocks, Other hostile fish, Slowly enclosing area of movement, increasing difficulty.

Unique objects for individual levels?

(PIRATE SHIP) – Cannons,Cannonballs, Barrels, Bottles, Swords, Guns, Wooden/ Peg Legs, Rum bottles, Treasure chests? Treasure Divers? (foreign divers??)

(CAVES) – Falling rocks, Bubble jets, Cavers? (people/ Divers), Bones? (skulls?), Pearls?

(UNDER WATER,Wreckage?) (ship/Submarine/Plane?) – Munitions boxes, Cannonballs, Cannons, Swords, Pirate Apparel, Rum bottles, Gunpowder Barrels.

(UNDER WATER, Plane?) – Munitions boxes, Pilots Equipment, Masks, Guns, Navigation’s tools, Parachutes, bombs.

(MARIANA TRENCH) – Deep sea subs? Local Creatures? (blob fish, goblin shark, Jellyfish, Octopus?) Ancient Creatures? Kathulu? Megladon Shark? falling dead sea creatures? Falling rocks? Bubble jets? UFO?

(Bone Labyrinth?) – Whale bones? Dead fish graveyard? Dead sharks?
2. Levels mainly composed of cave systems, Trenches, Volcanoes, Obstacles?

Area of enclosed Space, Possible doorways/ Cave entrances to traverse through?

3. Falling debris, Nets?, Rocks, Foreign sea material? (rubbish? Plastics? Cans?)

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